As a father whose infant son came home from the hospital with oxygen and a heart monitor because he’d occasionally forget to breathe (Thanks for your concern: that crisis is ended. Now our big worry is how to pay for his freshman year of college next fall….) I was most excited by the winner of the Connected Products (Body) category of Postscape’s best Internet of Things products for 2012.
The prototype (it’s unclear from the company’s website whether the monitor is actually in production) Rest Devices Peeko Infant Monitor (the adult SleepShirt, already on the market, can help with controlling sleep apnea) “uses sensor technology to provide a constant signal of an infant’s respiration, skin temperature, and body position. And, if, for some reason, your baby stops breathing, you are alerted through your phone or tablet.” Imagine the potential reduction in number of infants’ death from SIDS if it was in widespread use.
The company, Rest Devices, has a great mission in the spirit of the Quantified Self: “We’re obsessed with making monitoring radically simple for people. Fun even.” Rest Devices is an outgrowth of all the pioneering work done at MIT on wearable computing devices.
The company’s blog says the Peeko will be in production later this year.