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A Vision for Dynamic and Lower-Cost Aging in Cities Through “SmartAging”

I’ve been giving a lot of thought recently about how my vision of I0T-based “SmartAging” through a combination of:

Quantified Self health apps and devices to improve seniors’ health and turn their health care into more of a partnership with their doctors
and smart home devices that would make it easier to manage their homes and “age […]

Updating my “SmartAging” device design criteria

Could seniors be the ideal test group for user-friendly consumer IoT devices?
Two years ago I created a series of criteria by which to evaluate IoT devices that seniors might use (N.B., I didn’t really focus on ones specifically designed for seniors, because I have an admitted bias against devices with huge buttons or that look like mid-century […]

SmartAging Manifesto (draft): improve quality of aging & cut costs through IoT

What do you think constitutes “SmartAging?”
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything about my IoT-based “SmartAging” concept, which combines:

Quantified Self health monitoring devices to make it easier to monitor your health conditions around the clock and help your caregivers better understand your health, and — hopefully — to motivate you to more activity and […]

Alexa and Aging: more on voice as THE interface for “SmartAging”

I predict every elderly person will soon have a personal home assistant, ready to respond to their every command.
However, that home health aide may not be human, but sit on the kitchen counter, and look suspiciously like Amazon’s breakthough IoT device, The Echo.
The late Mark Weiser, “the father of the Internet of Things,” famously predicted […]

Criteria to evaluate IoT “SmartAging” devices

I haven’t been able to put a lot of time into fleshing out my “SmartAging” paradigm, which combines Quantified Self devices to change seniors’ relationship to their doctors into a partnership and give them incentives to improve their fitness, with smart home devices that make it easier to manage their homes through automation.
So here’s an attempt […]

LifePod: could voice-powered devices change aging?

It’s been a while since I’ve addressed my concept of “SmartAging,” which combines “Quantified Self” health devices that can improve seniors’ health and transform their relationship to their doctors into more of a partnership, and smart home devices that help people manage their homes more easily as they age.

Since I’m nearing my 74th birthday next […]

Apple Watch 85% Accuracy in Detecting Diabetes May Be Precursor of Early Diagnoses

Permit me to (re-)introduce myself, LOL.
I haven’t posted since the end of October, because I was totally absorbed in writing The Future is Smart, my book about IoT strategy, which will be released in August by AMACOM, the publishing wing of the American Management Association. A major theme of the book is that the IoT […]

iQ handheld ultrasound: another game-changing IoT health device

As the Red Sox’ Joe Castiglione might say, “Can you believe it?” (I should add a few more question marks to underscore exactly how unbelievable this IoT device is).
That’s my reaction to the latest astounding IoT medical device, the iQ handheld ultrasound, which attaches to a smartphone.
I was mesmerized by the headline on a story about […]

IoT: LiveBlogging PTC’s LiveWorx

Got here a little late for CEO Jim Heppelman’s keynote, so here goes!

Vuforia: digital twin gives you everything needed for merging digital “decorations” on the physical object
Unique perspective: AR takes digital back to the physical. Can understand & make better decisions.
Virtual reality would allow much of the same. Add in 3-D printing, etc.
“IoT is PLM.” Says […]

Amazon Echo Silver: bringing a little laughter (& the IoT) to aging

Some of you may remember that I’ve blogged several times about my enthusiasm for Amazon’s Alexa as a cornerstore of what I call SmartAging, the combination of IoT health-monitoring devices to keep you healthier and smart home devices to make it easier to manage your home and avoid institutionalization.
However, I’m in awe of how the […]">Stephenson blogs on Internet of Things Internet of Things strategy, breakthroughs and management